The Courtship of the Glen
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The Courtship of the Glen by Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple


From award-winning author Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple, start this stunning, passionate Highlander series today! What happens when we meet the person who changes us completely? One day, Colin will be Laird of Clan MacLeod and father to Ewan MacLeod. But today, he is a hot-headed young man trying to prove himself to his father. Until he meets a mysterious lady who changes his life. Discover the exciting beginning of the Glen Highland Romance series

Caitir's young life has mostly focused on her time with her grandmother, learning to make herbals for the village market. Considered a true beauty, she hopes one day to wed so her grandmother can stop worrying about her.

A chance encounter, a fight over a rabbit, and Colin is smitten with the dark-haired lass. And when he learns she can temper his brash behavior, and help him become the man, the Laird, he wants to be, Colin will do anything to have her.

But when another man tries to claim her as his own, will their unlikely bond prove strong enough or will they lose the love they've just found?

Welcome to The Courtship of the Glen, a stunning Sottish historical romance prequel to book 1 - To Dance in the Glen. If you like wonderful historical romance and strong, original characters, then discover the Courtship of the Glen!