Her Monstrous Desires: A Complete Series of Monstrous Standalones by Jewels Arthur
A mixture of dark retellings of some of your favorite fairy tales.... but with a very dark twist. Also monsters, lots of monsters.
Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Pocahontas have been spun to include vicious monsters paired with strong female characters.
Geniveve, a vicious vampire, finds herself in the company of some very big, bad, werewolves.
Morrisa is the evil Queen who has angered the gargoyle guardians of the castle.
Perry finds herself in drug-induced hallucinations with monsters in a wonderland.
The Viking captain, Johanna, comes to ravage the land of the minotaurs.. only they aren't giving up easily.
One-click now to preorder this collection of dark fantasy stories with mouth-watering monsters.
(Her Monstrous Desires is a complete series collection of monstrous standalones: Forbidden, Betrayal, Savaged, and Hunted)